Josiah DeGeorge Love was born 10:30 p.m. last Monday night. He weighed 6 lbs. 4 oz. and was 19 in. long. He and mom were able to come home by Friday and I was able to visit for a few hours on Saturday. He is so cute and I hope to be able to go for another visit soon!
So my mom makes these little cinnamon things out of pie crust that are really good. My friend Haley is obsessed with them! This year my mom never got around to making them and Haley was going through withdrawels. Haley came over the night before I left for college and we decided we were going to make them. We gathered our ingredients and started! We flattened, spread, covered and rolled them then popped them in the oven.
how does this go?
While we waited we played cribbage and of course I won! Unfortunatley after taking them out of the oven we realized they didn't look quite right and they definately didn't taste right. Mom said no one could possibly ruin this recipe, but of course we managed and did it quite well!!
Ok, so my mom decided to do the 12 days of Christmas with Nikki and I, but she only had 10 gifts so we did the 10 days of Christmas instead. To get our gifts we had to share a memory or whatever my mom wanted. We found out relaxing on the couches and watching a movie together doesn't count! Anyways, one night my mom came home with 2 gingerbread house kits and told us it was our project for the night. I don't know what made her think of it since we have never done them before, but wanting the gifts Nikki and I started right away. Here are the final results.
I grew up in the wonderful state of Maine!!! i love going to Madagascal with my family, i think its the best place on earth! snowboarding is my sport! i am in college and working on my business degree.